Shigella Outbreak Hits US County Homeless Communities

Shigella Outbreak Hits US County Homeless Communities
Shigella Outbreak Hits US County Homeless Communities. Credit | Getty images

United States: The homeless people in Santa Clara County in California are bearing the brunt of a disease outbreak caused by shigella bacteria.

More about the news

The Department of Public Health and Community Abrubt in Santa Clara County issued directives regarding the infections and provided information on the pattern of the continuing outbreak.

In the view of the Public Health Office, 10 “homeless people in Santa Clara County” received a diagnosis of shigella, and 22 others are considered to have the bacterial infection.

Authorities believe that the particular outbreak is caused by the Guadalupe River coming from Highway 85 and fleeing to the local Shelter.

What more are the authorities stating?

According to the Public Health Officials, “People who do come in contact should avoid swallowing the water and should wash with soap and water before eating or touching their face,” as the Fox News reported.

They added, “Partner organization workers who may come into contact with river water in the vicinity of the encampments have been advised to wear personal protective equipment.”

More about Shigella germs

Shigella germs are mainly spread through contact with bodily waste, particularly feces, and can lead to various effects on the body, such as high temperature, stomachache, and passing blood in stool.

It can be transmitted through having sex, touching or using implements that can be used to take something to the mouth, and through washing or feeding people who are ill.

Fluid loss is among the severe complications threatening patients with shigella bacterium infection (shigellosis). Management recommends that people suffering from the infection take a lot of water during the period of the sickness, as Fox News reported.

Number of cases in the US

Other US city areas with a concentration of homeless population have recorded Shigella outbreaks in the past.

There were 227 reported shigella incidents in Portland, Oregon, in the year 2023 as per the Multnomah County report on health issues. Out of 60 positive cases reported in the premises, 45 of these were identified from December.